Category: Health Connector Website

health connector and safari

It seems that Macs and Safari are incompatible with HIX. There is no information stating this on the HIX website. Members end up baffled and frustrated when they can’t do applications, make payments, etc due to the incompatible browser issue.  Shouldn’t this be made clear so folx don’t lose their minds when this happens?

Dropping ESI with Employer Consent

Hi; I received this question from a single, working female whose income is at 276.36%.  She pays $90 a month for ESI but wants to cancel because the coverage benefits are horrible and she has chronic medical issues that need to be addressed properly.   An example was the plan does not cover the cost for […]

Topics and Materials Request

Hello Loopers! We want to hear from you about what resources would help you with your day-to-day enrollment work. Do you have ideas about materials that would be helpful? Is there a topic that you would like a deep dive into? Let us know! You can respond to this post, or email Hannah

Does pregnancy count as one?

Hi; I just did an application with a couple who are pregnant.  Does the baby count as one giving them a family of three instead of two?  Their income is $59,678.96 annually.  For a family of three this would make them eligible for a ConnectorCare 3B plan.  For a Family of two it puts them […]